Christmas is a thrilling time for families, especially for parents who work hard to keep the festive spirit alive for as long as possible. From decorating the Christmas tree and secretly rearranging the baubles while the little ones are tucked in bed, to preparing Rudolph’s carrot and Santa’s milk and cookie on Christmas Eve, many of us uphold the cherished traditions passed down by our parents. These traditions help keep the magic alive, and now, more than ever, families are embracing Santa’s letters to add a touch of wonder to the holiday season.

What To Include In A Christmas Letter From Santa

Writing a letter from Santa can be trickier than it sounds. What exactly should a letter from Santa say? To help you craft the perfect Christmas letter, we’ve put together a list of things to include in your letter:

1. Lots of Personalisation

To create the best letter from Santa, make sure it’s highly personalised to your child. Include details such as their name, age, and anything unique to them to add authenticity to the letter from Santa.

2. Celebrate Their Achievements

Take the time to highlight your child’s accomplishments this year. Did they give up their dummy, start nursery, or prepare to transition into primary school? Whatever milestones they’ve reached, be sure to mention them in the letter from Santa to acknowledge their hard work and growth.

3. Friendly Reminders

We all know Santa’s been keeping an eye on who’s been naughty or nice all year. Be sure to add a gentle reminder for your child to keep up their good behaviour!

4. Keep It Factual

While it might be tempting to exaggerate in your Christmas letter from Santa, be sure to keep the details accurate.

5. Reminders for Christmas Eve

Include a friendly reminder of the Christmas Eve routine: heading to bed early, leaving a carrot out for Rudolph and the other reindeer, and setting out milk and cookies for Santa. You might also want to suggest a preferred wake-up time, especially if your child has a habit of waking up extra early on Christmas Day.

6. Thank Them for Being Good

Christmas is a time for reflection, so don’t forget to thank your child for their kindness and good behaviour throughout the year.

7. Tell Them About the North Pole

While your letter from Santa should stay grounded in reality, don’t hesitate to share a little magic! Why not tell your child some fun facts about the North Pole and the elves that help Santa?

8. Mention Their Christmas Wishes

Don’t forget to mention your child’s Christmas requests in your letter! Not only will this increase the letter’s authenticity, but it will also serve as a gentle reminder to continue being good in the days leading up to Christmas.

9. What Does Santa Do After Christmas?

Christmas Eve is Santa’s busiest night of the year, but what happens after the big day? Add a story about Santa’s activities for the rest of the year – whether it’s a well-deserved holiday or training his reindeer at the North Pole.

10. Have Fun with It!

Most importantly, have fun with your letter! Get creative and endearing to keep the Christmas magic alive in your household.

Our Personalised Letter From Santa Template

Dear [insert child’s name],

I’m so excited to be writing to you today, [insert child’s name], as I have some magical news to share! The year [insert year] has been quite a journey, but now it’s time to spread some Christmas cheer.

I’ve heard all about your wonderful achievements this year, [insert child’s name], kindly shared with me by [insert name of parent/ friend/ teacher] (but don’t let on that I’m writing to you!).

We’ve heard that you’ve [insert notable achievement(s)], and Mrs. Claus and I are absolutely delighted! It’s amazing to see you reaching such big milestones at just [insert child’s age] years old. Keep up the fantastic work!

With Christmas just around the corner, the elves have been busy making all the magical toys that children like you have asked for. One of the elves even told me that they know the perfect gift for a well-behaved child like you!

I’ve checked my list—twice—and can see that you would like a [insert Christmas request]. How exciting!

I can’t make any promises, but if you keep up the good behaviour, I’ll definitely see what I can do! Have an amazing Christmas, and don’t forget to leave a carrot out for Rudolph if you can!

Season’s Greetings,
Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus

P.S. We’ll be as quiet as possible when delivering your presents in [insert hometown]!

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June 07, 2024